How to Always Profit From Any Ad Campaign!

By Polydoros Gavrilakis

Many business owners make a huge mistake by not following one of the cardinal rules of sales.

They focus so much time and energy and money into getting new customers, while failing to establish a relationship with previous customers. I know many of you are concerned with the cost of advertising and marketing. And yes it is expense to generate initial sales leads.

However, what if I could provide you a solution that will allow you to make money offsetting the cost of initial marketing and advertising campaigns?

This technique guarantees you will not lose money on your ads and you will actually gain more money.

These days you cannot even order something or buy something without receiving an incentive to come back and buy more. I went to the store recently and they loaded my bag up with special offers to use the following week. Well, that's exactly what you should be doing with your existing customers. Give them a reason to come back. Let them know about your other products or services. You' ve spent your money and have put a lot of time and effort into getting their attention for that initial sale, now grab them while you've got them.

You want to continually introduce new people to your product or service, but what are you going to do once they've bought something?

Surely you don't want to say thanks for your business and let that be it. If you haven't figured it out, I'm talking about back-end selling.

This is the only way to be 100% sure you don't lose money on ad campaigns.

With cost being a great concern for most home business owners, working back-end sales while generating new customers is the perfect answer and guarantee to having your money work for you. You can have it all. As you're pulling in new customers who are making first time purchases, you can transition them to your existing customer list and began working on them for back-end sales. All while continually generating new business. It's a wonderful cycle, creating a steady income while never losing site of generating new business and building relationships with existing customers.

This way, you will never see a loss of income because of advertising. The profits made from back-end selling will override the cost and expense for marketing.

To give you further understanding of back-end sales, visualize you have a store. You entice the customer to come in. They make a purchase, now what?

Catch them on the back-end. You don't have to wait long to share additional products or services. You can give them something immediately following the sale; wait a few days or weeks. The bottom line is don't let them just get away with a one time purchase. You now have their trust. They know who you are, use that to your advantage and get those back-end sales. Otherwise you loose money each time a new customer makes a one time only purchase.

How you might ask?

Add up your cost for marketing and advertising. Calculate the time you spent writing content to grab a first time buyers attention. It takes much more effort to get the attention of someone who doesn't know anything about you or your product or service. With back-end selling you can continually run advertising and marketing campaigns because your money is rolling in from repeat customers. The current customers are familiar with what you have to offer, you can just share what you've got and watch the sales roll in.

Back-end selling will make any home business profits significantly increase.

Let's say the first product offer was $99 and your second product offer is $250. The initial product gave the customer an idea of who you are and hopefully left them wanting more. Now they know your work, your quality, your expertise and they will be willing to pay for it.

If 20% of your existing clients purchased the second product how much more have you earned?

When you factor in your reduced advertising and marketing cost because you are going to existing clients you make more. Again you didn't have to do all of the initial marketing and such to get the customers attention. You were still running your initial marketing and advertising campaigns however also utilizing information received from initial sales. By going directly to your target audience you're not wasting resources on those who may never make a purchase. It's like killing two birds with one stone. Initial marketing works to get the clients and back-end sales work to offset cost while generating profits over and over again.

If you're not doing back-end selling, you're throwing money away. In order to continually build, grow, and earn more you must utilize your existing customer list while generating new business. Remember you want both new and retentive customers so get those sales. You want to build customer relationships turning them into repeat clients by always, always going for the back-end sale. When an initial sale is made, be focused on retention and how you're going to make that back-end sale. Using the cardinal rule of sales in retaining clients you'll never loose another dime because you advertised and forgot about back-end sales.

This is the perfect solution to your cost concerns. You can rest easy knowing your efforts are continually working and clients are coming back to you again and again.

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Polydoros Gavrilakis is the Editor of Home Business Opportunity News, the newsletter that delivers ONLY the quality information you need to succeed with your home based business. Get Your FREE Lifetime subscription NOW to find out a secret, but simple and secure way he's using to earn $1000s per month online:


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