Advertising is Important, Make Sure Your Ad Sticks

By Bruce A. Tucker

If you are in business then you already know the important role advertising plays in getting the word out there about your products or services. What you might not know is that some forms of advertising work better than others. I am sure by now you have sent out or are about to send out your press release. A press release is newsworthy article about your company that you send to editors of newspapers and magazine. This is a great way to get some free publicity. However why stop there. Why not turn that press release into your advertising.

Studies I have read show advertising done in a news article format has a higher return rate than that of its counterpart the regular advertisement. You know the box ad in your local newspaper that gives the business name, what they sell and how to get a hold of them.

Instead turn your advertising into an informative article. You are an expert at whatever it is your business sells. What you need to do now is write an article filled with real world statistics and relate that to your business. Remember if you make it sound like an ad people will take it that way and brush it off. If you make it sound newsworthy, interesting, educational and informative, people will be more likely to respond.

On your next advertising campaign give it a try. Write about 300 to 500 words of your very best news article related to your business. If you are not much of a writer, get a local college or high school student to do it for you for a small fee. They would love to get the experience and a few bucks on the side.

You could also use this same article as a later press release for even more publicity if you so wish. It is entirely up to you. But rest assured your advertising campaign should include this very creative way to reach your potential customers.

About the Author
Bruce Tucker is a contributing writer to Indocquent, an online advertising and social networking medium where you can promote your business, products and services for sale and hire throughout the world without pay-per-click prices or auction fees.

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